Yoga for Living

Yoga is a philosophy and way of life that evolved in India many thousands of years ago.  Exercising body, mind and spirit, yoga develops all aspects of an individual, creating internal balance and peace.  

A regular yoga practice establishes a transformative lifestyle program using stretching exercises, breathing, mindful eating, relaxation techniques and positive thinking.  Practicing yoga regularly will: 

•	Help you lose weight
•	Improve your health
•	Reduce stress & anxiety
•	Empower you
•	Achieve peace of mind.

In order to maintain balance in the face of adversity, and during our every day challenges and transitions, we need to give care and attention to all aspects of our life.  By cultivating these areas:  family, work, spirituality, giving back to society, nutrition, exercise and self-exploration & growth, we can successfully maintain a content, well-balanced, and rewarding lifestlye.

Feel free to explore my site.   MYYOGAMENTOR has lots of useful information relating to the positive effects of yoga, and how to apply them in your life.  

      And at anytime feel free to contact MYYOGAMENTOR with any questions or comments you may have.  This website is just beginning, so check back often for updated, new articles and new information.

Bridget Chaney Lennon